2019 Linn County Health & Economic Impact Assessment of Tobacco Retail
A copy of the assessment can be found below in the Supporting Documents section.
The tobacco industry has established itself as a constant presence in communities throughout the United States and Oregon. Their advertising and marketing tactics, found in local convenience stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, and other store types, have become almost impossible to avoid. The rise of the electronic cigarette, flavored tobacco, and discrete devices to use tobacco and even cannabis products has also created a heightened appeal in youth groups with lack of understanding of their potential negative impacts. Given that nearly 90% of adults who are daily tobacco users begin by 18 years of age, it is essential to protect youth from the purposeful targeting of tobacco industry.
To address these issues on a local level, the Linn County Public Health Department (LCPH) Health Promotion Program partnered with local community organizations, retailers, and healthcare providers to conduct a Health and Economic Impact Assessment. The assessment demonstrates how the tobacco retail environment has impacted community members and will serve to provide insight for potential solutions and actions that can lead to a healthier more equitable community. As one community member said, “As parents and community members, we need to be more mindful about what example we are setting.”
The assessment outlines community members and retailers describing changes they would like to see in their communities including more public spaces and events that are smoke free, promotion of cessation resources, and ways to support retailers in efforts to make the retail environment healthier.

The 2019 Health and Impact Assessment built on previous work Linn County has conducted in partnership with local business owners. In 2018, to understand how much space the tobacco industry occupies in Oregon, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Tobacco Prevention and Education Program (TPEP) conducted a statewide assessment of tobacco advertising, marketing and promotion in retail locations. To collect data in a clear and objective way, TPEP trained and partnered with teams of local health department staff, nonprofit organizations, tribes and community volunteers to use a standard assessment tool.
The 2018 retail assessment findings provide a snapshot of the tobacco industry’s presence across Oregon. It sheds light on the ways the industry targets people in Oregon, particularly youth.