Corps assessing future of hydropower production in Willamette Valley

Corps of Engineers hydropower meetings

PORTLAND, Ore. -- In two virtual public information sessions, the Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will discuss the role of hydropower at their Willamette Valley dams, and how they’re answering Congress’ call to look at the future of that hydropower.

The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 provides authorization for the Portland District to complete a report to Congress containing information on a determination of federal interest in, and identify the effects of, removing hydropower as an authorized purpose – in whole or in part – from the Willamette Valley system of hydropower dams.

The act authorizes “much-needed investments in projects and programs of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers across the country.” This bipartisan legislation ensures timely congressional authorization of Corps studies and projects.

In response to the act, the Portland District is performing an initial assessment – based on existing information – which then will be provided in a report to Congress.

The report will inform future actions on whether the Portland District should proceed to a full disposition study. The study would assess in detail whether to remove hydropower at one or more dams, and the effects that action would have on the system.

The report provides information requested by Congress and does not result in a decision on hydropower.

The virtual sessions will include time for questions from the public.

Virtual Public Meetings

Wednesday, Sept. 13, noon to 1 p.m.

Thursday, Sept. 14, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

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