Commissioners approve new software for Justice Court
ALBANY —Commissioners Roger Nyquist, Sherrie Sprenger and Will Tucker unanimously approved the purchase of new software for the Linn County Justice Court housed in Lebanon, during the Tuesday morning meeting of the Linn County Board of Commissioners.
Judge Jessica Meyer told the commissioners the current computer program is more than 20 years old and badly antiquated and cumbersome. She said the new system will reduce the amount of time staff must perform tasks manually.
Judge Meyer said the new software from Tyler Technologies will allow the Justice Court to go paperless and automate many facets of the court’s procedures.
There will be a one-time fee of $91,845, which is what Judge Meyer asked the commissioners to cover. The annual fee of $44,958, will be built into the Justice Court’s upcoming 2025-2026 budget. The first payment will be due in August 2025.
“This is the same program that I use in my work with the Albany Municipal Court,” Judge Meyer said. “This will provide exponential time savings.”
Commissioner Tucker asked about the migration of current data into the new system and Judge Meyer said the data should be easy to transfer, since several other courts have made similar transitions with the same program.
In other business, the Commissioners:
- Approved several wage classifications changes within the District Attorney’s Office. District Attorney Doug Marteeny noted in a written report to the commissioners that it is difficult to retain or attract qualified Deputy District Attorneys due to the current wage scales. The commissioners approved the following increases: Deputy District Attorney I position from pay Range 19 to 25; Deputy District Attorney II from 22 to 28; Deputy District Attorney III from 27 to 31 and Senior Deputy District Attorney from 29 to 31.
- Were informed by Planning & Building Director Steve Wills that there were 49 land use permits and 260 total permits issued in January. Twenty-five permits were for dwellings, including one for a single-family home and five for manufactured homes. There were nine new code enforcement cases and 18 were closed.
- Had a reading of amendments to sections of the Linn County Code to make it easier for Linn County Parks and Recreation staff to enforce violations by guests. Changes will include language that supports recouping costs related to damage to cabins, yurts and other park buildings due to smoking tobacco, marijuana and vaping and enforcement concerning campfires during high-fire danger/no campfire seasons. The next reading will be in two weeks.
- Approved advertising for bids for the Road Department’s annual overlay program and set an opening of bids for 9:35 a.m. on Tuesday, March 18.
- Approved offering tax-foreclosed properties for auction at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, March 19 at the Linn County Courthouse. Properties are at 2187 Mill Street in Lebanon; Highway 20, East of Lebanon; 251 Dogwood St., Lyons; and off 19th Ave., Sweet Home.
- Approved an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Oregon Department of Education and Linn County for meal reimbursement for youth housed at the Linn Benton Juvenile Detention Center. For the 2023-24 school year, Linn County was reimbursed about $30,000, for breakfast, lunch and snacks.
- Approved a transfer of $50,000 within the Health Fund to be used for remodeling at the Armory Building.
- Approved a transfer of $30,000 within the Road Fund to cover costs with the Lebanon District for anti-icing materials.
- Approved reappointing Steve Mote and Commissioner Nyquist to three-year terms on the Linn County Fair Board.
- During business from the public, Susanne Taylor of Lebanon asked the commissioners to stop evicting people who are living in Recreation Vehicles on private property in rural areas. She said Linn County is included in the Homeless State of Emergency declaration made in March 2023. Taylor met with Commissioner Tucker and Planning and Building Director Steve Wills after the meeting.
Media contact: Alex Paul, Linn County Communications Officer, 541-967-3825 or email